3 Star Umrah Package
5 nights in Makkah and 4 nights in Madinah
Hotel in Makkah: Al Zahawarah Hotel, Al Fajar Al Badee-5, Lamar Ajyad, Diyafat Al Raja
Hotel in Madinah: Rama Al Madinah, Manazil Al Madinah, Rama Al-Madinah, Manazil Al Madinah
Package includes:
- Umrah Visa.
- Air Ticket (SV, BG).
- Full Ground Transport (JED/MAK/MED/MED APT).
- Twine share basis Hotel
- PCR test before departure from KSA.
- Food (Bangla); (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner).
Terms & Conditions:
- Package is fully non-refundable & non
- If same hotel is not available similar hotel will be provided.
- Allowed age is 18 years & there is no limitation for maximum.
- Required vaccinations are 02 doses of Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna &
- PCR test is required before departure both from BGD & PCR test also required upon arrival.
Call for booking at 018 16 500885 ; 018 47 305848.